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Restoration of Bridgwater Docks

Imagine a future where the Bridgwater Docks area is a vibrant hub of activity, seamlessly blending its rich, old-world maritime heritage with attractive modern-day charm. Thanks to the Bridgwater Town Deal funding, we are now on the brink of turning this vision into a reality!

The revival of this Grade II heritage asset will establish Bridgwater Docks as a destination feature in the heart of the town – making it not only an attractive place to live, work and play but also enhancing its appeal to people across Bridgwater, Somerset and beyond.

Dockside residents who have been relocated to temporary moorings will be able to return to an improved dock boasting 40 residential mooring spaces in addition to 26 moorings reserved for leisure.

Residents and visitors alike will benefit from the improved facilities and increased capacity for leisure amenities and activities. These could include enjoying charming waterfront cafés or participating in pursuits such as paddleboarding and canoeing, as well as benefiting from community spaces that inspire connection. Overall, the revival of this area promises to be a catalyst for change, supporting local businesses and bringing new life into the town.

Thanks to the Walking & Cycling project, which is also part of the Bridgwater Town Deal, a new shared bridge over the canal will provide easy access to the town centre and the adjacent Northgate Yard. This will lead to employment growth and easier access to job opportunities for locals, helping to alleviate the economic pressure of the past few years. The aspiration is that all members of the community will have an opportunity to thrive thanks to the area’s improved investment and growth potential.

This multi-million-pound transformation will restore historic buildings and infrastructure to preserve our rich heritage, while reconnecting and re-energising the town – creating a vibrant community space where the people of Bridgwater can come together and thrive.

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